Basic Information
Name: Jennifer Johansson
Age: 15
Location: Sweden
Contact Information:
How long have you played Flyff: Ive played eFlyff since V3, so i have great experience with the flyff world, im not a good levler on it, im very low level, even tho have played so long, but i had done many other chars so i quit at a certain level and play on the new one.
Experience as a Administrator: I have my own flyff server, im currently working on it and need a bit help beacause its boring and takes time do do it myself.
Experience as a GM: I have only been GM on flyff becasue thats my funniest game ive played.
Reasons for Applying:
Why I should be picked: Im very friendly and i want to help people that are having problems with anything. Im also a good GM according my friends on the other servers that ive played, i know the GM commands and im not any abuser that ive seen on a couple of servers. I may not be very very very active because im still in school and have homework like any kid has, but maybe 3-4 hours i day i can be in.
What I can bring: I can and will bring fun, events and support for people that needs my support. I dont see any point of being GM if you wont help or give fun at all.
Best Wishes,
Jennifer aka. Mileena