Basic Information
Name: João Azevedo
Age: 15
Location: Portugal
Contact Information:
Experience as a Administrator: I've owned the following types of servers:
Habbo Hotel
Sadly, only my Habbo and Flyff ever got released to the public. The others were just my friends and I.
Experience as a GM: I've been staff at the following types of servers:
Habbo Hotel
Reasons for Applying
Why I should be picked: Because I believe in having GM's who are both friendly, and responsible. Those two are hard to find together, but I believe I fit the bill. I am fully dedicated in the work I do, and I love helping people. I like to be the one who brings a smile upon the face of a user who has had a bad time. I've had a Flyff server before, I know what to do in one. I know most of the GM commands by heart, and I will not abuse power. I try not to do anything that I wouldn't want to happen to me.
What I can bring: I WILL bring many fun events, dedicated support, and many memories. I believe that without dedicated GM's, there will be serious ramifications. I will be as active as I possibly can, gaming is my life. My friends are gamers, everything I do, besides school, involes gaming basically.
Best Regards,
João Azevedo - PsYcHoMaN